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Horse Riding Ireland » Horses » Connemara
The best-known and most popular horse in Europe from Ireland is certainly the riding pony with the name "Connemara pony", in Ireland one also speaks of the "Conamara pony" because the region "Connemara" in County Galway in Ireland is Conamara in Irish is called. This is about this riding pony and its characteristics.
Horse riding and horse riding holidays in Ireland are best known for the great experience you can have in Irland and not only in Dublin. We show you as a horse lover where to go, what you can do in Ireland, where to find a riding school and horseback riding holidays. As we do not offer horses or horseback riding lessons or horse riding vacations, we stay neutral and unbiased.
The most famous horse breed from Ireland is certainly the "Connemara pony" (Irish "Conamara pony"), which comes from County Galway in Ireland. The riding pony is not only popular with the Irish, but the Connemara pony has made a name for itself well beyond the country's borders. Meanwhile, the riding pony "Connemara" is known all over Europe.
© Elisa Pitkänen / Unsplash (CJLXSVDmH74)
In the county of "Galway" lies the small region "Connemara", which is called "Conamara" in Irish. The Connemara region is located in the westernmost part of Ireland, west of Galway City. It is pretty much on the same level as the capital city, Dublin, using the geographic altitude. The M4 motorway runs directly into this region from Dublin. The Connemara National Park, a national park that is characterized by extensive moorland and heathland, is also beautiful in the home of this famous riding pony. In total, the Connemara National Park has an area of ??almost 30 square kilometers. And from this region comes the famous Connemara pony.
The Connemara pony has made a name for itself primarily as a riding pony, but it is also used here and there in the agricultural sector. The Connemara pony is very strongly built and very nicely proportioned. The riders of the Connemara pony are particularly pleased that the withers and back are well defined, which means a good saddle position. And one of the best facts for the rider on the back of the Connemara pony is of course that it has a good walk, a lively trot, and a beautiful, expansive canter. The three main types of the Connemara pony are the Eastern type, the "Irish Draft type" and also the "Clifden type". While the ösliche type has more of an Arabic look due to crossings and looks a bit finer and more delicate, the Irish Draft type is built stronger and more massive. The Clifden ponies, on the other hand, still have the typical pony characteristics more noticeable in their physique.
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In any case, the pony "Stroller" has made a name for itself. Because to the surprise of all viewers, the rider Marion Coakes (later Marion Janice Mold) from Great Britain with a horse with a stick measure of only 145 centimeters (all sources seem to agree on this statement except for an article on the North German Broadcasting Corporation) at least one Silver medal in individual jumping at the Olympic Games in Mexico in 1968. That was a sensation for such a small horse and it probably touched many too, after all, the silver medial sounds like a stroller for a small horse, as the fulfillment of numerous schoolgirl dreams from wildly romantic films and books about life on the equestrian farm - the victory of the underdog, so to speak.
Stroller lived to be 36 years old - that is also an extraordinary age for a horse. And it didn't stop with the silver medal at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico. The Connemara pony with rider Marion Mold was also able to win what is probably the most difficult show jumping tournament in the world, the German Jumping Derby, with 0 fault points.
In this video you can learn more about the Connemara pony from Ireland, we found this video on Youtube and are happy to show it here. If you want to find out more about the Connemara pony from Ireland, just click PLAY!
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