© Kate Trysh ( Unsplash) | Your company here!
1. Placement: € 77 / Year
Get your online advertising as »Native Advertisement«. This placement with picture, title, text, and link for a surprisingly low price for the whole year.
© Elisa Pitkänen / Unsplash (Z9-FZ6hko-k)
Horse Riding Ireland » Onlineadvertising
We offer two adjacent advertising boxes with fixed content, statically linked and brought online in the form of native advertising. Our performance uses us to attract many visitors to these pages. Your advertising will be switched through to all pages - without exception. But there are only two advertising spaces! The advertising space is allocated according to a first-come-first-serve principle and therefore the prices are also different. With every advertising space allocated, the price increases by 10 euros for the next space. So if you want to be there cheaply, you have to be quick.
Horse riding and horse riding holidays in Ireland are best known for the great experience you can have in Irland and not only in Dublin. We show you as a horse lover where to go, what you can do in Ireland, where to find a riding school and horseback riding holidays. As we do not offer horses or horseback riding lessons or horse riding vacations, we stay neutral and unbiased.
With online advertising on this website, you can reach people who are interested in horseback riding. In total there are always exactly four advertising spaces that can be booked each year. The advertising space - our "digital billboards" have exactly described sizes and content formats and fall under what is known as "native advertising". This means that the surfaces are optically and technically part of the content. We do not use tracking systems or redirects, but you get a "natural, organic link" to your website.
The box will be designed in the form you saw it on the website. Your advertisement consists of:
Online advertising costs an exact fixed price per year, regardless of how many visitors our global website has and therefore how many people see your advertising. There is no targeting, no tracking, and no other circumstances can influence your advertising effectiveness. You get a box at a fixed price. That's the deal.
It is also worth mentioning that you are present on all sub-pages with your advertising in the respective language. So there is not a single page in this language on this website that does not appear in the same place as your advertising message. We optimize our pages especially on search engines, which is also the reason why this type of placement is a huge advantage for you. Because many visitors to our site are looking for special topics that can be found on www.horse-riding-ireland.com and do not end up on the start page.
Are you interested? Then simply contact us - book your successful online advertising on this website with us using the contact information below in the legal & privacy area. We will then send you a formal offer so that you also have a contract. In addition, you will of course receive a completely normal, proper invoice for your advertising space.
Not convinced yet? We still have some information for you, some contract details that are even more to your advantage. Just read on below so you can be absolutely sure.
© Kate Trysh ( Unsplash) | Your company here!
Get your online advertising as »Native Advertisement«. This placement with picture, title, text, and link for a surprisingly low price for the whole year.
© Kate Trysh ( Unsplash) | Your company here!
Get your online advertising as »Native Advertisement«. This placement with picture, title, text, and link for a surprisingly low price for the whole year.
Still not quite sure whether you want your place on our digital billboard? Then we have the following additional information for you regarding the billboard: We would like to treat you as a customer on our digital billboard in an extremely fair manner.
You may have noticed that you could also buy the domain: There is a rule that applies to all of our customers who have taken a seat on the digital billboard: We will refund the entire amount - no matter how long the year has been going on when we should sell the domain. You do not lose anything, in the worst case you only had a short free online advertisement.
The time measurement for the year always starts at the beginning of the next month, so if you sign the order for us on September 10th, for example, and are present with us with your online advertising, we charge the year from October 1st to September 31st of the following year. The days in September of the current year were then free! Now you can easily request your online advertising on our digital billboard by clicking on this button and writing to us:
My Placement on the digital billboard!
A little note on billing: We are an agency based in Austria, we, therefore, charge our services in €, we convert based on the current exchange rates at the time of your request. The price quoted on this website therefore always corresponds to the € value on the day of your request.
Wir freuen uns über Ihren Input, bitte teilen Sie uns mit, was auf dieser Seite falsch ist, damit wir es schnell korrigieren können, es ist dabei egal ob Sie einen relevanten Rechtschreibfehler gefunden haben, oder beispielsweise einfach Daten oder Angaben nicht mehr aktuell sind. Wir freuen uns immer auf Ihre Anregung. Nutzen Sie diesen Link hier: Fehler melden!
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